
I do things wrong but I don’t really mind. At least it gives me little anecdotes to tell at parties in that awkward first bit when everyone’s just arrived and is on their first drink.

My blog tales are in no particular order, so feel free to jump around and see what takes your fancy. There’s no storyline to follow, just disaster after disaster. But, if you’re looking where to get started, these are my 5 most popular posts:

1. I’m SO excited about us!

2. We fail; we’re not fembots

3. Put them away love

4. We’ll always have Paris

5. We’re not having some kind of AFFAIR!

You’ll see there are general themes of boys and bras. Class act, me.

Enjoy my disasters, follow me on Twitter and Instagram if you wanna…and let me know if you have any disasters of your own you’d like to see on here!

Get in touch at disastersofathirtysomething@outlook.com.

16 replies »

  1. I’m not sure if you followed me after I followed you or it all happened at the same time (which would be sincerely freaky!), but thanks for following me. You pushed my number up to 14. Yay. Both being name-checked by thistattandtheother…there’s a bond right there! 🙂 Keep up the good work.


  2. Thanks for following my blog! I look forward to reading the disasters you’ll that come your way 🙂


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